Saturday, 1 October 2011

magik marker....lighter side of hippys

henry miller

i have not been writing much lately,maybe feeling a bit depressed,maybe feeling a bit of a phoney.....i dont know i do know that i started this blog with the idea of putting down my feelings and experiences ,not that i thought people would really be interested in them but more as a voice for me to expell the things that needed to be spoken from me,i had many fucked up thoughts and feelings when i started this blog.having been left by a woman that i loved .....but isnt that the way ,if i didnt love her then her leaving would hardly of registered in my conciousness,but what happened was exactly the opposite of that,anyway i digress.i am writing today because for the umpteenth time in my life i am being saved by words,the words of a genius,words that are so magnificent,so fucking brilliant...noone has ever used the english language in the way henry miller used it,swirling tornadoes of passeges building ,and with his joy in writing hightening,my pleasure matching him step for step,i have laughed out loud reading sexus ,for at least ...the 5 th time now,i didnt laugh cause it was funny ,although some of it is very funny,i laugh because it is amazing,the purity of vision,the way he uses language make me laugh in apreciation of a great master,he only writes about his life ...his life,the women he loves ,the women he fucks,the crazy antics of his friends and perhaps to me,the most satisfying is the inner dialouge inside his head,he says he wrote ten thousand books before he ever put pen to paper....he reaches hights that i know,i know i can never reach ,never ,ever but the spirit of henry miller is instilled in me,i shall write and i shall write openly,honestly ,kindly ,cruelly ,i shall be true to my own heart,my own version of life...i think the fact that sums up how relevant miller was is the fact when his books were published they were banned throughout the whole world ,branded pornography,everwere except the french,they dont view sex as a monstrous act,as indee ,it most definatly isnt,its the most wonderful thing we can experience sex with a beautiful woman whom you love,i think their is little to compare to that...and ,no henry miller didnt love all the women he fucked,but in a way so what,he wrote of his life and all that encompassed,so i finish up the rosy crucifixtion again,i bid a fond farewell again to the gret master of the english language ,henry it says on the jacket...'the importance of american literiture begins and ends with the meaning of millers work''..amen to your self a favor ,pick up any book by henry miller........

Monday, 12 September 2011


love kills slowly

so i have just been talking to a friend of mine,hes had his heart broken for the first time,well by a woman i guess he has...funny as he broke with his female right when i was also expired i talked to him then trying to talk him away from ,whatever he did ...just dont try and get her back,hes a young man,good looking,smart ,funny and makes mad loot ,so he was all yea man,i took solace in helping a young man go thru what is without doubt the worst thing to of happened to most people..anyway i talked to him he went back and tonight hes still wallowing back in that ol heartbreak ,were as ,yes im sad that ,whats her name is no longer in my life,i shared 3 years with her,to me good times and yet since im older i got over it pretty much as normal...heres why i can relate to my friends plight is because i to once was a young man in love?and it ended ,as it always does and ,to be honest it ruined my life..i cant blame the girl,it was my choices,my sadness ,my needs,my fucked up head ,my soul took me were i went.and for my homie joey ....this is my first broken heart and the places it took me.
ok,i will give you a small bit on meeting her and being together ,as we spent over 5 years together on and i was living in steamboat springs ,Co.and as anyone who knows colorado will tell you ,its a hippy old place.i was a 'never trust a hippy boy' and so when i bought music it was ordered in for me,u know?
so im in their ordering 'bakesale' by sebadoh ,not even paying much attention to anyone ,and the girl behind the counter started to chat with me,like about music,plus i got them feelings from her,you know the ones i mean ,like electric i left,went on with my so sweet mountain life and one day i got a call from the record store and it was the same girl,she asked if it would be ok to call me sometime,im like sure,yea...what the hell,she seemed like sexy anyway we go out on a date i fuck her ,badly...god...anyway she hung around a bit and i moved away for the summer ,when i was gone i started writing her 10,20 page letters,i really missed her and couldnt wait to get back for next season for all the same reasons,to ride,and this new girl,i was stoked,moved back and trolled the bars looking for her,i hadnt told her i was coming back,wanted to surprise her...anyway ,shed went home ,like the day before i arrived.....whatever,whatever,we spent two years together then moved to denver wed been smoking heroin like every few months,and drinking and popping pills,she was a bad alki and i was a garbage can ,id take anything......big fight and i leave and go to san diego,and the pain was so that id decided i would kill myself,i pulled over in utah and stood at a cliff ,i couldnt muster the courage to do it to san diego ,were i started injecting the dope,as it took less,my frinds said,and i was broke so who was i to complain,it nullified my pain,i couldnt even remember that girls name,let alone feel the pain that lived in every cell in my body,i was their a few months and got word that my friend had called my ex and shed said ,flippantly''oh,hes gone to california to kill himself or something''...that made me so angry and so unreal shed of thought so little of me that my life meant nothing to her,so i believed her,i guess i already had..and dove headfirt into a sincere dope habit.took me to seattle,to pheonix,to denver and back to minneapolis.
i lived high risk,i really could not see living another year ,let alone a future and to be honest it took me 10 years and loss of everything ,including ,friends,freedom,my country and my self respect and my future,it stole my future off,my advice to my friend was whatever you do,however you feel ,dont bury your feelings in drugs and booze,as you can wake up way ,way down the road and regret much.true dat.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

stephen malkmus.....tune grief(our man is well back on form,what a fab jam )

nirvana in 1989,7th street entry,mpls,mn,ussa

today i am going to tell you about the first time i saw nivana in started ,as so many tales from this time frame with my homepiece MCA hurl.Since he was the great white hope to break out from the wrong side of the tracks,hurl diligently worked his way into university of actually lying ,hurl was from a 'normal' family and as far as i member there were no train tracks anywere near his house at yea in hurls bedroom drinking beers,smoking sexy mexi,as were had to due,since there was not many 'plugged in' folks in minneapolis back we went and saw soundgarden at coffman union,so yea i saw soundgarden in the U of M lunchroom,rad huh,which and in my music history is as important a concert as id ever seen for many reasons,but ill write of that show,some other time,some other after picking up my jaw from the ground we walked out and lord ,strike me down if we saw a flyer that thee following night a band called mudhoney were playing at the same venue,under the picture of them rightous hair farmers was a logo that would ,to me define ;a sound,a look,an attitude,it came to represent everything right about music at the end of the 80's and to this day any sub pop band,gets a lookin from me,just by the virtue of the pedigree.
yet i digress,yea , the following night ,im sure a 12 pack of the same beer and maybe the remenants of the same bag of weed,we went to see mudhoney play,now these guys were some strait out freaky stylee's ..i mean mplw had a look and even a sound,and yea we had a scene,fuck...husker du,the replacements,soul asylum..the minneapolis sound...but let me tell you seeing mudhoney was like seeing these guys appeared straight from mars to perform,the hairiest,loudest,brashest,thickest,gooiest raucous rightous noise i had ever heard.and there began my love affair with sub pop and the seattle and hurl ,shit we practically rode that freak train into town with the bands ,we were hip to them a year before hipsters knew of them,just by dumb luck and the power and look of soundgarden and the sound and attitude of mudhoney ,put it this way it took the hippest record shop downtown to procure mudhoneys superfuzz bigmuff, after like a month of empty promises,but ,im not bragging,lol..well i guess i am...but like i said the bands had the mystique and the look,i was simply an early recogniser of this freak scene .plus id lived in seattle already and was well versed in the pacific northwests massive indoor marijuana seattle was in my blood.SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.hurl or me ,one of us saw a flyer ,a subpop flyer was a sub pop us assault,or some such shit and i may be wrong but it was vertigo( a mpls band i liked)..a seattle band called TAD ....and a band called cue to 7th street entry ,hallowed ground the size of a big living room,the CBGB's of the TAD comes out ,man ...again a whole nothe rblog about tad doyle wouldnt be unthinkable.but TAD has a 400lb ex butcher for a lead singer he came on stage with a big axe or sledge hammer,i forget which but he was intense and menacing and to say they again played in the most mesmorising mix of swirling guitard so thick and fuzzy ,low and slow ,that was the temp[ after ttad played i went up to mr TAD  and told him id lived in seatle blablabla,long story,shorter,we ended up downstairs with the band TAD smoking weed with hash oil,god i remember dumb shit,so as we are smoking we startd talking about music after a bit we could here the next band starting,tad says,you should really go see these guys ,they will amaze you,or words to that affect....up those holy steps to the gig were this band were blasting ,with amazing abandon into some song id never heard before,yet to say i was amazed,is not even close...their sound was thick and sludgey like mudhoneys and the lead singer seemed so pissed off and man ,he had hair so long,the whole band did,what im saying is ,god damn those guys looked fucking kool.they played negative creep and i just sat there ans was witness to rock and roll history,i knew i was seeing something diffrent,something that was going to change me forever,i never figured itd be the whole world also.
so the band played on and at the end of the set,these insane lil blond haired dude who was singiong,the guy who was a cross between charles manson and i dont know a long blond haired guy from another planet,so yea he starts smashing his guitar to bits,im like fuck!!!!! this is unsane,wtf...he then dove into the amps,knocking them ober grabbed another guitar as he was kicking the drum over and destroying the whole stage,now id read about this type of shit but to witness in a small,teeny ,tiny room ,was amazing,as was the encore,cobain strapped that unsmashed guitar on dove into the drums,sending shit flying,but then he layed their in the wreckage of the stage,laying sideways in the carnage and played a mind warping 20 minute fuzzgun attack,just riding the nopise wave were ever he wanted to go,but it was a fucking swell ride.....unreal,so yea nirvana fall 89,man ...that was a sad footnote to the sad story of cobain ,i saw them after the tour for nevermind,i think he was huge by now,i cant believe they were even playing at first avenue still,yet thats why first ave was the place it was cause everyone had played their ,everyone.but anyway that show,kurt looked so bored and he just was not even the possesed little hellion id witnessed a couple years earlier,oh yea and any of you who were in my life in 1989 will remember,possibly that i had purchased a shirt at the first gi.said nirvana on the front and the 7 circles of in buhddist text...but on the back..big and bold it said
crack smokin
fudge packin
satan worshipin
and that friend and foe alike...was that.
(c)mh 2011

Monday, 5 September 2011

Oh me ! Oh life ! by walt whitman......(for the faithless)

O me! O life!...of the questions of these recurring;
Of the endless trains of the faithless-of cities fill'd with the foolish;
Of myself forever reproaching myself,(for who more foolish than I and who more faithless?)
Of eyes that vainly crave the light - of the objects mean - of the struggle ever renew'd;
Of the poor results of all - of the plodding and sordid crowds i see around me;
Of the empty and useless years of the rest - with the rest me intertwined;
The question,Oh me ! so sad,recurring - what good amid these,Oh me , O life?
That you are here - that life exists,and identity;
That the powerful play goes on,and you may contribute a verse.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

pointles drivel.really.....youll never get these minutes back .

its midnight in the UK.00;00 o clock ,the withching hour and when i used to think i did my best writing,i got a feeling im going to blow that theory straight to hell with this post,as i have no agenda,absolute blank page,i thought i had something to say ,its just a feeling ive had inside of me now, a familiar feeling,a hollow ,emptiness inside were something is missing,do you ever feel this void,ive realised of late that this gnawing hoolownes,well i remember feeling it strongly and distinctly in 9th grade,and the only way i can translate the feeling ,funnily enough is thru was black,pure light consuming black.Now in my mind i can rationalise and realise i have much to be thankful for,because i am alive and i am healthy,i have people who care for me,some people would even go as far as to say they love me,not as many as id like to believe,im sure....youre going to have to excuse the rambling,nonsensical nature of this post,although i write that feeling ,as i always do that nooone ever reads my words,and if they do,i still write more as an exorsism ,or some would say an exorsism in reverse maybe???who news flash ,sometimes i feel unsatisfied,like maybe things are pointless,if i look at my life ,its easy to see were these feelings arise from my situation.....if my life caught a few breaks ,my mood would lighten considerably...until then ,ill keep on ,because as anyone who knows mitch ,whos struglling to holld on to his last grasp of life....their is nothing more precious,more sacred or sacrosanct than life and the people in your life,ive saw the most wonderful outpouring of love for my dear dying friend,its such a shame,and im as guilty as most ,that we cant show our friends such love and concern,tell them how much they mean to you in everyday life,but maybe thats wishful thinking from someone many of you know as a total cynic,a sarcastic bastard,but like anything its a mask i wear,to deal with people and the world....i told you id disprove my theory about writing at midnight,as i feel for sure ,this is some weak assed navel gazing,self involved bullshit....youll have to forgive me,im just mentally vomiting against the wall,expelling the sickness and seeing what sticks,its all toxic,this is just what remains.......somtnsyde........markuss at time give him the skip,lol...........anyone who reads this.i hope youre heart is bright and hopeful....i want everyone to live and love and always be true to sure ill delete this in the morning,but im really not that smart.masochistic mark :)...peace out
(C)mh 2011

Thursday, 1 September 2011

dinosaur jr - the post.......( i could drown in j mascis;s guitar noise)

the replacements - i will dare

denver dont play ( a lullaby to colfax ave )

So years ago,when i was a young man ,i set up and was playing house with a female i knew . I t was our second try at cohabition ,shit i thought it was love......whatever it was and it was many things ,it was drinking and drugs,it was talking and enjoying each other,maybe i enjoyed her more than she me,BUT,it was good sex,it was nice to snuggle and wake up next to a woman i thought was so very beautiful,but man it just wasnt even close to love.Hell i didnt know then and thats not even what this is about im just letting my thoughts of that time run free.You see we lived on 14th and Clarkson ,which is one block off west colfax.....mighty colfax ave. americas main street and fuck if thats so then americas more fucked up than anyone knew.Capital Hill was the hood,were the pimps strolled keeping their ho's on the track,were the mexicans sold burrito's or black tar,depending on which cholo you bumped into.Colfax ,crack cocaine ,porno shops,prostitutes,garbage,dive bar heaven ,police sirens and white 20 something hipsters playing house,yaaaaaaaaaawwwwwnnnn.
So,one night i was returning back to our lil loveshack, been over at my homie hurls house ,i think i was borrowing something mundane  but thats not the story either,so as im crossing over almost to our house i hear a few gunshots pop off behind my house and i swear to god a young brother came running out jumped in a cadillac and they bounced the fuck out . now i was alarmed but being a 'fuck tha police' type o brother i pushed my bike inside went upstairs,my veins full of crime. I heard them police sirens coming and within fifteen minutes it was all flashing lights and taped off areas,there must of been 25 police cars all down 14th ave.i mean ,writing this now i do feel that i maybe should of went and told them pigs what id seen but to be honest it was all so fast and my brain was on opiate slow ,so i couldnt of really helped out with to much plus,can you imagine having to testify at a murder trail????no thanks ,although i do feel the conflict,as in someones life got taken and that is as big a deal as it ever gonna,i went to bed and the next day my man hurl came over as it was when he was playing house with another female just down the he comes up and we smoked some buds because,i guess thats what we did,at least some of what we did,i did a lil bit more,yet i digress.In my colorado rocky mountain high state of mind i relayed all that had happened to my friend the night before,he was surprised by the fact id come up on a 187,  not the fact one happened in capitol hill,it was just par for the course.I say''yo,lets go check out the scene of the crime!''.....all high and shit,acting like everything was nothing and life wasnt shit.We walked back behind the house and the yellow police tape was still sealing off the entrance to the was starting to feel tense and i wasnt feeling so gung ho,but walked towards the entrance to the back lot and i almost stepped in it.The thing is when someone gets shot in the head it isnt really like tv etc,i suppose they fall down but they dont show you a foot wide pool of collagulating blood,with dits od brain matter and other stuff i can barely remember,id seen plenty and ,more than anything wished i hadnt come out to see the remenants of a shooting,it was without wanting to be,it was direspectful,that was im assuming someones son,dad,brother whatever,you know i never did read about it in the paper .but i cant believe someone some police,hadnt cleaned this up ,not left this horror show to lay around in our back yard.Colfax avenue,americas main street.Indeed.

(c) 2011 mark halliwell 2011

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

wavves - i wanna meet dave grohl

kanye west - my beautiful dark twisted fantasy

Kanye West

My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy

[Def Jam/Roc-A-Fella]

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Bearing witness to Kanye West's very public 2010 has featured many joys, none greater than watching everyone unspool his myriad updates, achievements, and indiscretions into piles of meaning. His persona went to cataclysmic places this year-- there were times when he deserved his own cable news ticker. But, somehow, West managed to transcend the preposterous talk show appearances, the too-good-to-be-true Twitter account, the live breakdowns, the Horus chain, the free-MP3 stunt(ing), the press blitz, the breakups, the make-ups, the dick pics, the furniture pornography, the Rosewood movement, the NO NEGATIVE BLOG VIEWING, the living paintings, the short film, and the rest of the lot. Through all that noise, we obsessed first and most deeply over the eye of the storm: the album. --Sean Fennessey

LCD soundsystem- this is happening

LCD Soundsystem

This Is Happening

[Virgin / Parlophone / DFA]

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Anticipated both by James Murphy's proclamations that this might be the final LCD Soundsystem album and by teasing videos of the band holed up in Rick Rubin's L.A. mansion, clad all in white, This Is Happening could only have been an event. And the album, like the title, delivers without a moment's hesitation: What could have been the document of a band fighting for its place in the pecking order turns out to be something far more personal and far more important. This Is Happening doesn't just keep step with the times; it's the portrait of an older, wiser Murphy, arch and guarded in equal measure, who's intent upon keeping two steps ahead of himself, never mind the competition.
However you want to process Murphy's biography and the whole New York rock backstory, the music on the album more than carries its own weight, interpolating Bowie and Eno's studio aura through several generations of downtown dance-rock and canonical house in a way that seems genuinely new; with This Is Happening, the "DFA sound" becomes less about its influences than Murphy's own worldview, as Murphy quits leaning on funk-punk clichés and makes every song count. Listen back to Sound of Silver, and a song like "Time to Get Away" sounds like filler, a way for Murphy to find his voice and bide the time-- at least, compared to "Pow Pow" and "Home", the only tracks on the new album that have any truck with old-school DFA-style funk at all.
Maybe what Murphy learned the most from Eno and Bowie is the importance of melody. On the last album, "You Wanted a Hit" would have been a jarring punk-funk thing, but here it's smoothed out and sadded up by a single, demure keyboard line; same goes for "Pow Pow", which starts with rote congas, stubby bass, and spoken ranting, and eventually blossoms into something gloriously harmonic and yearning. As on the last album, there's a careful balance between rockers and brooders, but even the more straightforward club jams, like "One Touch", are darker and more urgent than before. And if follow-ups to "Someone Great" and "All My Friends" are missed, "All I Want" and "I Can Change" offer potent emotional mile-markers for Murphy's state of being in 2010-- just one point in a line that he's clearly not tired of filling in. ("Never change," his ass.) --Philip Sherburne

vampire weekend - contra

Vampire Weekend



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In which a band of misidentified elitists empathetically comes to terms with their elitist hangups only to be sued for $2 million by a former luxury model-turned-teddy bear entrepreneur who currently lives behind gates in one of the most affluent areas of America. Contra is not for fighting, though. It's for finding common spaces in a world desperately clinging to outmoded binaries: us vs. them, red vs. blue, Oxford comma vs. no Oxford comma. So while it was easy to scoff at the now 52-year-old Contra cover star Ann Kirsten Kennis as she talked about squeezing millions out of Vampire Weekend in a misappropriation-of-image suit while looking like a Wasp-y caricature in Vanity Fair, maybe it's not that simple. Maybe her sign-off on the Polaroid was forged by its photographer, as she claims. Maybe rich people who own ornate vases and fluffy lapdogs can be exploited, too. Plus, a passing detail in the VF piece-- that Kennis' hair was just starting to grow back after chemotherapy treatments for breast cancer when she first saw the Contra cover-- is exactly the type of humanizing tidbit Ezra Koenig might allude to in one of his songs. (The case is still pending.)

titus andronicus- the moniter

Titus Andronicus

The Monitor


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Hold Steady frontman Craig Finn appears on The Monitor as the voice of Walt Whitman, and his inclusion on the album is a fitting one. With their intricately wordy barroom sing-alongs, the Hold Steady, at their best, occupy some ideal middle ground between charged-up classic rock swagger and literary ambition. To the young people in Titus Andronicus, the Hold Steady are elder statesmen, and The Monitor is their attempt to equal their forefathers' classics.
Titus arrived more or less fully formed on 2008's The Airing of Grievances, playing their fists-up Jersey punk anthems as knotty, muffled fuck-yous. But The Monitor pushes everything onward and upward, past ambition and into something like insanity. The band tries out violins, pianos, horns, bleary folk interludes, gang-shout chants, an epic, multi-part, 14-minute finale, and a loony concept that messily marries a bad breakup to the American Civil War. But they do all this with verve and charm and confidence, anchoring their wanderings with 10-megaton chorus roars and riffs that sound like they've been around forever. Frontbeard Patrick Stickles bellows every lyric in a scraggly yowl, sounding like the world is crumbling around him and the only thing holding the sky up is the righteous noise from the band behind him. And all year, everywhere Stickles went, his monuments to personal desolation whipped up sweaty, joyous moshpits. To some kid somewhere, he's already an elder statesmen. --Tom Breihan

arcade fire -the suburbs

Arcade Fire

The Suburbs


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That Spike Jonze seized upon 2004's exuberantly one-dimensional "Wake Up" as the ideal wrapper for the ragged, pre-adolescent confusion of Where the Wild Things Are might easily have felt like a backhanded compliment to a songwriter of Win Butler's aspiration. By connecting Arcade Fire with the film, Jonze foregrounded the band's own formative period; by connecting the dumbstruck incomprehension that comes with childhood to their 40-story bluster, he inadvertently critiqued it. Six years later, they're a different band, and The Suburbs marks the culmination of that change. Where once stood a group of marching and occasionally baying idealists now stands something more considered, more complicated, and, well, more conflicted.
On paper, a concept record about something as banal as the suburbs sounds prone to terrible cliché. Fortunately, Butler spares us any neat and tidy disapproval of two-car garages and manicured lawns in favor of something considerably more measured and conflicted-- a full-bodied account of all the sweetness and strangeness of that life in all its multitudes. He aches just as much as he spits, reminisces just as much as he resolves, and veers between sounding like a revolutionary ("Ready to Start") and an old man ("We Used to Wait"), in turn painting a surprisingly nuanced picture of thirtysomething inertia. The Suburbs isn't so much about feeling old as it is about not always feeling young, and "that feeling" is bittersweet and complex. --Mark Pytlik

no age -everything in between

Photo by Eirik Lande
13. No Age
Everything in Between
[Sub Pop]

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Compared to its two full-length predecessors, the proper LP Nouns and the singles and EP collection Weirdo Rippers, Everything in Between took a few more listens to sink in. The new album was less frantic and less experimental, leaving behind a certain amount of punk bite and shoegaze dreaminess. It didn't wash over you or grab you by the throat; on this album, the songs were what counted. So as No Age's aesthetic drifted toward a sound that can best be described as classic indie rock in the late 1980s/early 90s mode, the group brought along the shifts in mood and subtly affecting tunes that made the best from that era so beloved. No Age had never sounded this vulnerable but also never this confident, like they had finally settled into an approach that suited them best and now they were capable of taking the songs wherever they needed to go. So you had the youthful rush of "Fever Dreaming" alongside the wounded and downcast "Common Heat" next to the trashy brattiness of "Sorts", and it all hung together like one thing. Everything in Between found No Age not so much growing up as growing outward, finding new possibilities in directness and simplicity. --Mark Richardson

some of my fave new sounds (tylor the creator - bastard)

After a few decades of murders and crack deals, gangsta rap bloodthirst has lost a lot of its sting. But here we have a teenage skate-rat snarling in a demonic, asthma-wrecked rasp, talking about rape and dismemberment and coke-snorting and throwing in homophobic slurs, and suddenly every wound is fresh again. Bastard is a rough listen, to be sure; if you can hear it without wincing every 30 seconds or so-- without feeling some genuine despair-- you might have some serious problems of your own. But as with the most successful transgressive art, its ugliness digs deep into your brainpan and stays there.

And only some of the value here is of the shock variety. Tyler's nihilistic gargle has cathartic star-power the same way DMX's livewire grunt once did, and many of the antisocial jokes are genuinely funny: "I go to Obama rallies screaming out 'McCain!'" The self-produced, spaced-out, lo-fi beats transform warped, woozy skronk-noise into rap thump. Ariel Pink is a favorite of Tyler's, and it shows. In all its violent weirdness, Bastard forms its own universe, and he doesn't do it without context. At the end of the opening title track, Tyler lets us know exactly where all this animosity might come from: "Fuck a deal, I just want my father's email/ So I can tell him how much I fuckin' hate him in detail." --Tom Breihan friend mitchell

i swear i dont know what to write or if this will matter to anybody but me,yet as im my target audience anyway
i suppose as ever im just gonna type until i get it all out and i hope someone somwere finds solace or compassion,or fucking anything in my words.I am lucky enough to of grown up with a friend called mitch rath,he was probably my best friend during them early high school years,he had a wicked sense of humour and was just funny ,he talked so much shit to everyone ,when we were together ,he started me off smoking weed and man we had some fucking awsome times together doing that ,hed pick me up for school every day ,joint rolled and we both had espanol together first period ,man i look back on that class ,them years and i swear i dont think i learned one lick of spanish all year,all we did was laugh and giggle ,caping on the absurdity of life,which was something both me and mitchell realised and shared ,whether we knew it at the time or not.Anyway i am so sorry to tell you that mitch got sick with liver cancer around xmas last year and believe it or not ,he was in hospital with his father and sister who all had some form of cancer,at the same time!...what a cruel twist of fate indeed.his father and sister are im glad to tell you,as far as im aware now healthy .Yesterday though hospice was set up for mitchell,i could tell you a million happy stories about us all the times at his lake cabin water skiing,boogie boarding and my fave. memory,getting stoned and floating on floaties soaking up the summer sunshine and just hanging out with my friend...he was a ruthless son of a bitch ,without doubt and me being his friend didnt preclude me from his razor sharp tounge...but high school passed on and for a few years i lost track of mitch but hed always through my parents find me seattle,in colorado,in california...wereever it was it seemed id hear from mitch sooner or later...when i returned home to minneapolis after many years away i was so proud to find out that my friend had opened a guitar shop in uptown(hipster neighborhood) and he built,fixed and sold guitars,thats another thing i forgot to mention about mitchell he was in bands in high school and we were both into music,although our tastes varied,i always knew music mattered to mitch,this was enough for by now as any of you know me i had developed some bad habits by now and whenever i needed a place to crash,i many times knocked on his door past midnight hed let me in get me pillow and blankets and give me refuge...i hope i thanked him for that,hever preached ,i know he must of hated what i was doing,yet his friendship overrode any thoughts of not helping me when i reached the same way ,i knew mitch had had some problems in life,fuck dont we all and mitch was one of the few people who was scripted for xanax and id always ask him for a couple,and hed always nod to the cabinet and my couple was always more like 5 or 6 but my friend,he knew i needed to blot out the pain i was feeling and as ever he hugged me or whatever and we parted...this is were it gets hard for me ,but in the nature of this blog,ill reveal,although me even saying it and reflecting,fuck my friend is the one who could tell me about problems yet anyway........
about a month ago ,i lost a female id been with and cared for ,the very day she let me know,mitchell tried to IM me,and me,being to preoccupied with my own pity party could barely give my dear friend the time of the day,i just rertead the convo .and it makes me want to cry,that id of let a woman who did not want me,that id let him go sos i could speak to her,fuck,he even mentioned his cancer and i did not even let that snap me out of my self obsessed state of mind.....i wrote him a email this morning,telling him what i remembered and how ashamed i was by my behavior towards him.knowing mitchell hell forgive me and as always accept and love me warts and all,i remember mitchell,i remember it all,all those good times,the small things.i was and am proud to be your friend,i wish you all the strength and peace of mind in the world,in his sisters blog,she said mitch had accepted and felt peaceful about were he was..mitch ,my brother,i love you man...i mean that,i would of said it before you got sick ,but that just doesnt seem to be how life gonna try calling you today,as you always would call me and i just want you to know,i am so glad i was your friend .you are one hell of a guy.rathawello....bless you my friend ,and all the strength you need to make it back were you came.returning to the gonna play a song for you,well mainly for mee ..i posted a led zep song on my facefuck page for you,yukk....but it reminded me of you and times spent.misspent youth etc..i wouldnt change a thing,except,you would be healthy and happy.........again mitchell,i love you man,mark

(c)mark halliwell 2011

nick cave i let love in

what to say,when a true master is saying it all,thank dog for mr cave.truly

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

the hold steady killer parties(almost killed me)

how mudhoney got my ass beat(although after all these years i still love em)

so i used to push a little rabbit GTI,silver with a tuning chip,it was fast and to be honest i have loved german cars almost exclusively because of owning that car.So ,as ever im looking back thru the prism of my life ,as all tales told must by their nature be storys from your past,right? one day i thought it would be a great idea to put a mudhoney sticker on my back window,to seperate me from all the squares out there,you know,oh yea and it said at the bottom in distinc letters'hate the police' which was one of mudhoneys signature sounds which of course was a cover from the all good life goes on ,one night metallica were playing in the arena downtown and although by this time i wasnt really convinced by their schtick anymore,i strapped on my doc martians and i believe this is were the trouble began(btw anyone notice all the young kids wearing docs again,almost brings a tear to my superjaded eyes)but no,i jest the trouble began im sure with the copious amounts of some whisky im sure i was imbibing like a alcholica i was,plus the buds and if i remember the LSD to,god ,what a fuckin mess i was ...and i swear i will tie all this up together soon me and my sisters boyfriend chris went banged our heads as we were want to do back then ,we leave the concert in an metal fuelled mob mentality i remember hundreds of people walking thru the center of the gity walking over cars,in their hundreds just pure teenage spirit etc. so we get back to my car and ....fuck,its gone,my fucking car is gone....i was so pissed off,eventually i see a sign mentioning the fact any dumbass who parks here will be towed to so and so blablabla.....So we go down to the city compound and i am still really fucked up ,sure enough they had my car and being the lovely guys they were only wanted 150 dollars to get my car out,i in my wisdom said something like'' i bet you get a lot of people wanting to shoot you''and walked outside and waited,and seemed they were taking an awful long time to bring my car out ,meanwhile i hear sirens wailing,loud ,but seeing as we were in north minneapolis home of the AK's and all that i didnt give it much more thought,until them po -poppers came sliding in starsky and hutch style,stop about 50 yards from me,get out and all drew down on yours truely,with their glocks and shoti's it was one hell of a shock,lemme assure i get thrown across the hood of my car which had been wheeled out beyond the gate ,i said jesus fucking christ! and one of the pigs goes one move outta you and youll be seeing him anytime now,this concentrated the mind and sobers you up real quick ,i remember feeling the 9mm barrells against my head and also from my vantage point ,looking down at their fascist boots i realised they were all standing on packed snow,or ice as some may call it.
So i get thrown in the back of the police car ,as they search my beloved VW for weapons,of which their were none ,i still didnt understand what had just happened to be honest but i did realise what wa shappening as one copper walked to the back of my car and saw my mudhoney sticker,oh shit......he called the rest of his stormtroopers around the back and they stood their looking mighty outraged ..then with his flashlight,one i was to get to know quite closely,scraped my sticker off,u know ,amerikkka ,land of the free and all one really nice cop comes back and starts asking me if i got a fucking problem with the police,and with every other word he hit me real good in the groin with the aforementioned say he got about 20 good licks in and then all the others leave leaving me and the nice cop and his partner....bottom line they drove me into the middle of the hood and threw my ass out at like 2 am ,i walked back to my car,theyd rolled it back behing the gate so hey,hey another 150 please.i kept my big mouth shut this time...meanwhile.....'hate the police'....oh mos def i fucking do.....

(c)mark halliwell 2011

mudhoney.....revolution sick,im sooooooooooooooooooooo sick........of getting sick,every time i lose my connection.

Monday, 29 August 2011

and the polar opposite of that ..pissed jeans.....false jesii pt 2

my 50th post,a fitting piece of work.haunting,beautiful,sad,

the arcade fire the suburbs

listen to some 'home truths' man

want one of my AA stories?...cause whats said here ,stays here...ya ,whateva

so me and frydeen and haug and poor fostor,actually he was very rich lucky bastard,yet in my story today ,he most certainly comes out poorer,no we go to one of these college type keg partys ,you know 25 kegs of shlitz malt liquor,one of them types of things.things are clicking along pretty much to plan,we were pounding the beers back,talking shite,to each other and knowing me,ahem..anyone who happened to pass us by.i really was such a horrible drunk when i was younger it just seemed i drank until some trouble kicked off,id get in the middle of it ,or stand back and bask in the glory of the crowd violence ,etc, more beers get drank and then even more beers were drank and since back then ,although i cant be sure i had my lights plugged in ,im sure we were smoking some of that bomb bud to,stinking the whole room out as back the in minneapolis ,there were not many people growing,they was all smoking that mexican shite,anyway ,so so far so good im sure.laughs and jokes aplenty and then in a room with like 200 people,some knucklehead sprays mace.....and no,it wasnt me,i go for the more dramatic moves when i make mine,much stupider everyones coughing and wretching and girls are screaming so the room cleared out to get some fresh air .now from here i can remember the specifics and i never saw the carnage but ill relay it as factually and as correct as i can remember,if any of my boys that was with me read this and wanna fill in some blanks that would be mighty helpful,right?...right.
ok,so soon after we go back in to the party house ,someone decides it was us that set off the mace or whatever and a group of like 10 or fifteen meetheads surround us and tell us to get the fuck out!!!!!! not one to take anything lying down my first thought was to punch the biggest one as hard as i could and damn the torpedoesbut the other boys realised the foolishness and the carnage that would lead to and began walking,so out the door we go,and the door was being held open by a brick which for some unconcious reason i picked up,yea friends see me with brick in hand and looking at a 20 foot plate glass window in front of me,one of them and i assign no blame but i bet it was frydeen, yea i launched that bric and that window did collapse ,i guess its a matter of simple physics or sumptin....anyway within seconds about 20 of them same meatheads im sure come running out,i bend over to tie my shoe and fuck me they all run past me .too bad for fostor though as they were all after him,he ran so they zeroed in all that steroid rage on him he jumped in his jeep and took off i remember their were people on his hood ,people trying to punch him through the windows and others just chasing the fucking jeep,i really just had to laugh.i know that sounds terrible but i did i lol' this i didnt see but this is what happened fostor drove thru a bunch of backyards ,thru some fences and rolled his jeep in some randoms backyard,with minor scrapes and bruises but a DWI,destruction of property and a bunch of other shit i cant member,luckily for him,his dad hired like a really bichen lawyer and they pinned it all on this hollywood cat who fostor had met at the party,he never new his last name just a nickname,he got off with a slap on the wrist and im sure all the bills were paid ,meanwhile i walked the 5 miles home in a stupor,unaware of the damage that my drunken ass yet again caused...........keep coming back,one day at a time ,etc,etc      

(c)mark halliwell 2011

rilo kiley...waves and wires.......jenny lewis,

Sunday, 28 August 2011

brother ali...dropping bombs

uncle sam ,goddamn

double whisky , coke no ice the hold steady constructive summer

sometimes you feel so alone
that to take another breath seems impossible
but , breathe we do .and time lurches forward
hurtling us into some unknown future
full of??
a million different possibilities
a billion different outcomes.
that really ought to be enough for anyone,at anytime
to live has got to be so much better than to die,
but me and mr cohen,mr cobain can only sigh

why with every broken heart we become more adventurous

Everyone has fell in love ,everyone has felt that they have met the 'one' , you open up you share everything ,you learn to trust in these people you learn to believe in them and the dreams you come up with together.then as inevitable as the dawning of a new day ,and you always know-in your heart you always do know.
all bets are off ,more often than not you find that the love you shared with this person turns to something more can seem that every word you ever uttered or heard is with one fell swoop ,made meaningless and therefore rendering it all a lie,everything you said and heard nothing but lies.
It isnt this though ,its the inevitable falling apart of everything,like the decomposition of every thing in our world ,like us,like the leaves and trees and mountain ranges and the planet itself.its lifes cycle playing out inside of our lives
i know this every woman i have ever loved in my life i love them today ,no matter how ugly the split ,each and every one of these women taught me things about myself and about life that i would never of found out by myself,i think that we are all at our best when we are with someone else.i think that meeting someone who you even can imagine loving is a ethereal experience and im glad for the special person in my life today who lets me be myself, unique and flawed,beautiful and
wounded as i may be ,i can tell if i have the capacity or the life inside of me to even imagine giving anything and everything of myself to someone else again,and as i believe time will bear out i know that if we believe it,if we can imagine it,it can become true and maybe this time, it will be our bodies that fall to pieces before the dreams of happiness that we have even yet to explore .other peoples hearts are precious things,as are our own dont let anyone play loose and fast with your heart and be empathetic and kind to everyone elses.

mr bukowski speaks volumes

Thursday, 25 August 2011

arcade fire ...wake up

how can this song not move you especially with 100,000 fans electrified...god arcade fire are so special

murder city devils broken glass...........just killing it as they do.....

a travel post(amstergawdamn)

hey i thought id start writing about the places i have viseted ,giving some a sense of wanderlust for themselves,other can live vicariously through me,right? i lande after only an hour flight on a budget airline full of fellow scousers out to live it large in the 'dam as its known round here.i asked one guy were the train to town was this guy insisted i ride with him ,he helped me with my bags and said follow me,when we got to the station i was about to purchase my ticket,as in the uk,were they will fine that izzass if you dont have a ticket,my new friend said''you are now in amsterdam,all rules you obey or not,dont hurt anyone and noone will hurt you''.I hopped merrilly onto the express to the main square and as we travelled a fellow traveler pulled out a guitar and proceeded to sing,i mean i aint no country boy,ive seen polenty,but this seemed such a dutch thing to do.anyway we arrived my friend wished me a fine holiday ,i called jasa jawn ,to find out were her hotel was and see whether my homie jamie was in town yet.i got the adress of her hotel asked a few random pretty dutch girls and every one,with a smile in their eye told me which tram line i wanted and the crazy dutch thing when you walk up to a dutch person and speak english,you see a rotation behind their eyes and they all and i do mean everyone speaks perfect english,i later learned its mandatory from 4 th grade onwards to learn english.Anyway i found jasa picked her up hugged and kissed her and swung her around ,we went downstairs to the hotel bar with donald ,a true gentleman who bought me and jasa drinks as we chatted the talk of the close yet polite due to her stepfather being there.jamie showeed up and i was like under my breath,whats up with some buds then ?..he pulled out a gram baggie and thru it at me,beautiful,cured perfectly ,covered in crystals and it stunk,now i must tell you i didnt and dont smoke as i once did as donald got up said his goodnights and shouted these guys are on my tab,it only seemed sensible to stay and enjoy a couple more in the luxury of the hotel.i was getting pretty drunk and when i get drunk i get stupid some times,like as we were walking into town,it was queens day,which is like all holidays rolled into was fucking packed,unreal ,yet never did i see any typical male behaviour,drunken loutishness,well except when we were smoking our first joint i for some reason put jasas hand on my umm thang,for no reason ,shes such a fucking rightous girl,shes never even mentioned i did it.i also hip checked her under a parked car,i was a drunken asshole,so there was one in town that night , i swear after that joint between 3 of us i couldnt speak for hours,i could only laugh and giggle and love my two best was so unreal that we were all together ,walking around in amsterdam ,drinking heinekin and enjoying the massive party.we made it to the red light district and jasa was egging me on to have a go,i was ,all..yeah ok,but i was nervous,id never been to a whore before but i played it cool,we walked past windows,naw,umm,jasa''shes a hottie'' like yea but no...we strolled the hundreds of cubicles and then right in front of me ,a most gorgeous blond, i was like well if you are gonna live your life to the full ,as is my motto ,id most def have to fuck this girl and if that meant paying whatever 60 euros,i was all ,ok then lets go,so as jasa smiled and said got get em tiger or some such words,or maybe im imagining that ....maybe everything from here is a way to deal with the embaressment that followed....So i follow her down some stairs into a clean,candle lit room ,the girl walked over to me,pulled my pants down in one violent pull and my boxers to and pushed me back onto the bed.....i was like,WTF?...this was not like any sexual experience id had before,i like to play rough ,but its me thats doing it,and i love to throw a female onto a bed and i think a lot of women like to feel a bit controlled that way ,to varying degrees anyway,i was feeling kinda vulnerable,waster and i mean lit up ,in a dutch brothel my money had been taken and i lay on a bed with my pants around my ankles and i was feeling more than a little my girl walks back in ,a real beautiful girl...not really my type i think thats why i may of picked her as my type is brunettes and eyes and lips,petite and beautiful...well this girl was very beautiful but she didnt like men ,i could tell that and more than that,she didnt like me.she put a condom on me using her mouth ,but honestly she neednt of bothered because between the weed,the booze and my discomfort,there was nothing going on ,she tried valiently for about 5 minutes,at which point i got up,pulled up my pants and without even looking at her ,walked out,as i was leaving she shouted'it happens all the time,to much partying!..and you know she was right but thats never stopped me before,i think the wholepower trip thing fucked my head up and i just was not prepared to have sex like yea ,sad but we drank till 5 in the morning and all 3 went back to jasas plush room i took the floor while them two shared a single bed...and you know what at 7;30 jasas dear mom judith came knocking,to wish her wonderful daughter a happy birthday,seeing me she ran over to my prostrate form and hugged me and told me how,lol good i looked.....anyway next day i woke before them and went to my first coffee shop,i got a gram of bubblegum and a gram of white widow....the party in amsterdamn continued i belive queens day is an annual 3 day affair and as i strolled about the early morning city smoking that superb erb...well it blurred into another all nighter drinking till it was sunny and again no troubles,not even any british idiots doing stuff to girls they adore...this is whats so funny to me me and jamie didnt even go into our hotel room until the last day,we hadnt even seen it ,we were awake and it was a blast.the last night the three amigos met for a quite drink and bite to eat and to say our goodbyes......i love those two,they both know it.
me and jamie got back at like 3 am and he had to be at the airport by 7am,i remember my last words to him were''don't fall asleep'..jamie goes i'm just gonna sleep for an hour or so .Predictabley at around 7 i hear him franticlly trying to get his shit together and go man go,he was fucked,he ended up waiting till like 10 that night for a flight back to suisse.i had to tram back to jasa jawns room as my bags had been at her room the whole time,she had left a note with the front desk saying when a frantic,grubby looking man comes in mumbling about his bags,they are in the luggage check,as ever my dear one had wrote me a goodbye note on a card.and i sat inside that lobby with tears on my face trying to tell her all what she meant to me and i was so sorry that i had hurt her by hip checking her under a car...i was just sad that ,yet again my life was going to be poorer without my sweet friend,anyway my tears quickly dissapated as i walked out into amsterdam rush hour,which i swear is all bikes,i love amsterdam,id live their tommorow,its a most beautiful anyway,my abiding memory of that wonderful trip,as i step out ,wiping the last remenant of salt from my face,i saw and my eyes followed a man an old dutch bike the kind amsterdam is full of  in a 3 piece suit ,bowler hat and on the back,sat sideways in the dutch manner,was his gorgeous little daughter of maybe 6 or 7 on her way to school,uniform on and i smiled a wide smile and i looked at the closed cafes and the now silent canals and i was glad i was a guest in their fair country.for jamie and jasa,my two deepest nightsaint no joke
(c)mark halliwell 2011

the thermals rock it in seattle,no surprise their

Laura Musselman
​Eric's closing comment on his Weezer post--"I might like watching new Thermals more than I like watching old Weezer. Who'da thunk it?"--reminded me that I'd be remiss not to rave a little bit about how awesome the Thermals were opening the Weezer show on Friday night. They were peppy, alive, and clearly stoked to be playing--"We are thrilled to be opening for Weezer!" Hutch Harris announced at the beginning of their set. "Seriously, a dream come true!" That may be so (Harris also said that their band wouldn't exist without Weezer's "Blue Album" and Pinkerton), but the Thermals really did Weezer a service by opening with such a lively, rocking set.

My favorite Thermals album is still 2006's The Body, the Blood, the Machine, and the trio closed a rousing rendition of that album's "Here's Your Future," while my favorite moment of their set was when Harris got down on his knees in front of the badass Kathy Foster to riff the guitar part of "Returning to the Fold." All three instruments sounded bright and loud and had no trouble filling the entire theater, and I can't really say enough how much I love Westin Glass as the Thermals' drummer--he sings along, he stands up from his stool because he gets so excited and has to clap along with the audience--he loves being in this band, and his energy always brings a smile to my face. And it matches the Thermals' aura to a T--this band doesn't wind it down until the very last note has been played.

The Thermals gained a lot of new fans from opening that show, too. A sampling of some of the comments that showed up on their Facebook page afterwards:

"I hadn't heard of you guys till i saw the Weezer show in Seattle. You guys were phenomenal. A surprisingly passionate performance from an opening act. So I went and bought an album of your's yesterday. It was first rate, I can't believe I didn't know you guys before."

"You killed it in Seattle on Saturday night. Just snagged two of your records because of the impressive set."

"You guys were crazy last night, you should be doing main act concerts!"

"You guys were so great last night! Wish u could of played longer!!!"


OMG. Amazing job, Thermals.


goodnight UK............I WAS LIVING IN A DEVIL TOWN

bright eyes playing a daniel johnston song.......putting head to bed....all my american peoples have a great yas

just because i dig em for almost everything they represent,except the smack,but hey its their party,wtf?

thee mighty brian jonestown massacre

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

2nd song of the pair....EMA 'grey ship' which is fucking epic.

i think shes sick ,like so ,so sick ........what a powerful,sexy and brilliant woman ,enjoy.

2 songs that fit together like lovers

both of these songs need you to listen to the minimalist music and excellent lyrics
then at around 3 minutes they repay you with sonic booms and deep grooves.please enjoy,u know i havnt had one comment,will someone tell me i suck or im an ass hole,anything so i get the point that someone may be listening.TY ,markASS

First song is dance yourself clean a gem from a maker of fine underappreciated gems
lcd soundsystem''dance yourself clean''

the dark lord and his oh so sexy sidekick...mark lanagen forever

interview with stephen malkmus (pavements fame throwa)

Four albums in, ex-Pavement frontman Stephen Malkmus' solo career is best characterized by control. Through the last decade, his dexterous guitar playing's shed some of its ranginess, his punchy vocals have grown less insouciant, his word-drunk lyrics mostly hanging within the margins. For fans, it's been something of a constant adjustment, watching one of indie rock's loosest dudes tighten up tighter.

Recorded in L.A. with Beck just before Malkmus embarked on a year-long reunion with Pavement, new album Mirror Traffic is his most limber, off-the-cuff (and, yeah, most Pavement-like) LP since Pavement's last. Chopping runtimes, dialing back on the fretboard workouts, pushing hooks to the forefront, the lively Mirror Traffic's 15 tunes find the Jicks feeling revitalized, with Malkmus delivering his lines with a spur-of-the-moment vitality the likes of which he hasn't managed in years. (Listen to Mirror Traffic in full at NPR.)

Relaxed and chatty during our recent interview, Malkmus seems increasingly comfortable with his role in the musical landscape; pleased that the Pavement thing went over so well, but happy to have it behind him, to move onto something else.

Pitchfork: What are you up to?

Stephen Malkmus: We're moving from our house in Portland to Berlin. It's sort of annoying. Throwing lots of stuff away. I went through our VHS tapes last night with my wife. We found this one porno from 20 years ago and all these "CSI" episodes. I don't know who taped them; well, the porno was mine, but "CSI"-- I'm not that kind of guy.

As far as European cities, Berlin seemed like the easiest and most practical place for us to go. We were looking for something to put a change in our lives.

"I don't really talk to anybody about lyrics. I'm sort of self-conscious about it."

Pitchfork: I understand Beck approached you guys about producing Mirror Traffic.

SM: Yeah. He just called me and said he was [thinking of producing some records]. It was the second or third thing he said; it wasn't strategic or anything. He was just like, "I'm doing this now." I wasn't really aware that he was producing because he's been on a path of making albums and recording and touring for 20 years, too. I would've thought of doing something with him, but not as a producer. But when something comes out of the blue like that, you're like, "That makes sense."

We don't have a manager and we're not exactly reaching out to people. It's always last minute. Sometimes we've said, "Let's get somebody to produce." But it's always too late. But Beck picked the place to record, and the place to mix, and the general strategy of how to do it. He was the boss. I was happy to give that up.

Pitchfork: Did you talk about ceding that much control with him before you started recording?

SM: Not much. Everybody was tired of doing it the same way. I was just interested in how other people do stuff. Beck's a student of production. He takes pride in the fact that he basically co-produces all of his records, even if he didn't get credit for it. He was really involved in all of the decisions: the mic choice, the frequency. He's not a total gearhead; he doesn't speak in kilohertz and he's not a Pro Tools expert. But he's cognizant of that world. He knows his stuff. And I want to learn, you know?

Pitchfork: There's a certain perfectionism on some of those Jicks records I attribute to you having complete control of the sound.

SM: I'm not really worried about holding onto anything. I trusted him. I know his track record. I guess you'd be worried about whether it's over-produced or too bright or if it sounds shitty. But Beck and his engineer are obsessed with sonics. And he knows the studios in L.A. He said we could go to Sunset Sound, because that's a rock room and that'll work for us, or we could go to Ocean Way, which is twice as expensive. So we went to Sunset Sound.

"With this album, we were trying to be professional, in a weird way. It doesn't sound very cool. But, I mean, we can really play, or whatever."

Pitchfork: You guys knocked this out pretty quickly. That's a big difference from Real Emotional Trash, which sounded like a long process.

SM: Yeah, that was wrong in the wrong way, like things are sometimes. With [Real Emotional Trash], we went for a studio, but it wasn't practical. I sometimes pick difficult situations just to get a different sound, or some question marks; maybe you hit the triple-20 with the dart, or maybe it won't even hit the board. I felt like we didn't hit the board there. The choice of studios was not correct. We were making all these mistakes trying to save money or go somewhere close to home, but not home. I didn't want to be bothered by that again, that's for sure.

If you go to L.A. and you get a producer it's like the practical thing to do. In L.A., I sort of feel like I'm just a piece of meat going through this Los Angeles processor of music because it's an industry place in my mind, and they do things a certain way. It felt a little more professional, but not cookie-cutter. It was like making an album in the 60s. You might be the Doors, or you might be some other band that didn't make it, but the Doors had the magic that day. And that was nice. But we were trying to be professional, in a weird way. It doesn't sound very cool. But, I mean, we can really play, or whatever.

Pitchfork: The record has a much looser feel than your last few records, or even from a lot of Beck's recent productions. Was that a concerted effort, or maybe a product of working so quickly?

SM: It was not concerted. You'd have to ask Beck. He might have some ideas about what he likes about me, or what he liked about Slanted and Enchanted. I'm sure he wasn't a close listener to my solo career. He was probably coming at it from the things he knows best from when he was younger and listened to as a fan. Wowee Zowee, stuff like that. I know for a fact that I was just doing my thing. We ended up keeping more stuff that was off-the-cuff; I think Beck wants to be looser, making albums. But no one is trying to make a radio song for KROQ anymore-- everyone knows there's no reason to do that.

He only took five days at the studio with a day off in the middle. I was like, "I think we need seven," and, "Why are we taking this day off when we're paying for it?" But it worked better. On that third day you get diminished returns. For these sessions, I would always be like, "I'm paying $800 [a day], I'm going to go in here and try something." That was a different thing.

Pitchfork: Both you and Beck have a reputation for inscrutability, did you talk lyrics?

SM: I don't really talk to anybody about lyrics. I'm sort of self-conscious about it. I'm not confident about it. Eventually, I'll definitely want feedback. For parts that I have two ways to go, I'll ask [bassist] Joanna [Bolme], "What do you like better?" A couple of times on this album, I was making up lyrics in the studio to try and get a vibe where you're singing something that makes the song how it's supposed to sound rather than what it means. We kept a few of those even though they weren't so tight or don't even mean anything; I had other lyrics, but they just sounded forced. It would be a group decision. I'm not precious about it. It's the disembodied voice, not my thoughts, so let's just make it good.

"Songs are what will really last. People talk about Paul McCartney's incredible bass-playing, but he's in stadiums because of his songs."

Pitchfork: I read an interview recently where you mentioned having an endless supply of melodies in you, but only so many lyrics.

SM: Yeah, it's a hard thing. The song structure leads you to make up shit that sounds correct, and maybe means something. With some songs, you can just make up lyrics and they come off your tongue, like Bob Dylan. For others, they just don't. It's a struggle. Combine that with the fact that a lot of words are unusable in music because of their phonetics and how they stick out in this wrong way. Half the dictionary is really hard to use for me. Even down to notes I can hit, or words I can sing in key. I obviously don't hit everything spot-on. And I'm not even getting into the psychodrama of what you want to write about and what's appropriate. That's an issue, too.

Pitchfork: You've also really dialed back on the composed guitar sections you've been doing since Pig Lib.

SM: Yeah, I was just not feeling the jams. I'd already done a moody folk-psych thing on Pig Lib. When I got [drummer] Janet [Weiss] in the band, she wanted to really rock out, and I felt a little compelled to push that. In the end, I was just getting tired of feeling like we had to try and live up to that [previous sound].

For this album, it was going to be about the songs and vocals a bit more. Everyone plays into that L.A. cookie-cutter thing, where the band is more like a quasi-wrecking crew, and you're just doing what the song needs. Maybe all of our personalities might not come out as much on our instruments, but the songs are going to live more. That's what will really last. Like, people talk about Paul McCartney's incredible bass-playing, but he's in stadiums because of his songs.

Pitchfork: You recorded most of this album before the Pavement reunion tour-- it seems like a long time to sit on something nowadays.

SM: Yeah, it is weird. Luckily, it's not the type of music that's completely technology-dependent. It's not getting old in that way. Like, if some chillwave band waited two years to release something, it could be already over [laughs].

"The Pavement reunion was a bit of an autopilot situation for me, creatively. We weren't trying to deconstruct the songs. It was more like exercise."

Pitchfork: Was that at all odd for you, going back and forth between Pavement and the Jicks?

SM: It was more like one or the other. During the Pavement reunion, everyone put their life on hold for that year. But I knew full well that we weren't going to [keep going]. People keep asking me in Europe: "So, when do we see Pavement record and tour again?" We're not doing that. We did it once. So I just compartmentalized that time, and tried to enjoy it as what it was.

For the Jicks, I think waiting was a drag. They were just patient. But I was clear, saying, "If this is going to happen, I should just do it now." Also, the Pavement reunion was a bit of an autopilot situation for me, creatively. We weren't trying to deconstruct the songs. It was more like exercise [laughs]. Actually being present and not just on autopilot was the thing for those shows. I wanted to be there and enjoy it. I had a great time.

Pitchfork: So the reunion went well, all told?

SM: Yeah, there was nothing that was done in an un-tasteful way, no hurt feelings or anything. Even toward the end of the year, it was waning because there was some new thing coming into the culture's mind. We got in and out at a good time. The people who wanted to see it could see it. Everyone was in a good mood the whole time. There were probably some cracks that were beginning to show near the end, but luckily we stopped at the right time.

"A certain strata of middle-class hipsters [laughs] share Pavement, and that's great."

Pitchfork: You don't seem especially concerned with legacy but, after getting out there again, did you get a sense of what Pavement means to people after all this time?

SM: It's hard for me to get an exact grip on it, even after all that; meeting people, seeing people, arguing with my wife about it when she says how important the band is. But, when you're the person in the band actually doing it, it's hard to separate the importance from the venue you're playing or where you are on the bill. When you've been doing it 20 years, you want the concrete thing sometimes-- not that I'm Jay-Z or something. You could talk to Robert Pollard about that and I'm sure he'd be, like, "It's a lot of hard work and I'm still doing this same venue, even though I'm working my ass off." But that concrete stuff is just half of it.

The other half is the emotional relationship to the people. They've sent you letters, or they're at the show. It doesn't matter that there are 50 people there or 5000. That's really what it's all about. It's why we do it. We would be doing it anyway, even if it wasn't successful. I would still be making songs. I might not be touring as much, but I'd be compelled to participate in music regardless of that dumb shit I'm talking about, [which is] sort of embarrassing to say that you even care about. I don't know what to say about the legacy overall, except that a certain strata of middle-class hipsters [laughs] share Pavement, and that's great. "Hipsters" doesn't have to be a pejorative or about trend-jumping, either. I wouldn't want to be called a hipster, but there's nothing really wrong with it. To me, it can be just about exploring, or an openness to finding the best things.

i love babyshambles.i love to fuck forever.

i think the riots we have seen springing up all over this country lately are just the tip of the iceburg,as more and more people lose jobs and rely on meagre govnt handouts or turning to the black market for their incomes.Never in my life have i felt that the whole world is sick of being controled by the same rich white men who have always ran everything.these people live their lives in guilded places without an idea of what the rest of the country goes through.the problem comes when you think of what were to happen if a revolution ever did take place,the same people who took charge would become intoxicated with the same power and greed that the previous powerful people had and the circle would continue.
what we need is a whole lot more evolution and i believe that this is happening their are more and more people realising that our western way of life,it isnt morale ,it isnt compassionate and its greedcentric.
back to my thoughts on evolution,if we evolved from ape to cro magnum man,from him to neandrathal man and from him to homosapien ,it doesnt stop their the evolution continues,there are more and more people who want to live kinder,better,more spiritual lives.....not sure of their place in this world and wanting very much to change things for the better.the world since 9/11 has turned into an international police state all set up to stop an idea,as al queda is loosely a group,its just an idea and we have crushed our liberties,accepted despicable acts on our behalf inthe name of this i really dont have any ideas for a solution ,i can barely put together a paragragh that makes sense and yet i hope that there will be a jump forward with human kind,evolving us to much more spiritual beings than we are now

(2011)mark halliwell 2011

Bukowski writes it from were its at

a story about police jurisdiction

so there was a tradition back when i lived in steamboat,the lift ops new all the locals by looks or by dress,or whatever but as you sat in line for the gondola up ,once you got to the lift you'd only have to mutter the magic words''club car'' and you and your homies would pile in while the tourons with their skis and Texas joker hats would stand there looking bewildered as they were allocated the next gondola.. club car was ,unsurprisingly short for' we wanna smoke bud on the way up thank you 'and 99% of the time you were obliged a nice smooth ten minutes to get in the right mindset for some serious jib/bonking...haha.i laugh because on a trip to California to ride it had signs up saying no jib/bonking,fucking cali,anyway we were punk as fuck in Colorado and all we did was broke the rules.really though.Anyyyyyyyyyyway this one day during peak season up we get utter the magic words and the guy shrugs his shoulders and looks over at some guy who obviously had some kind of pull over this young hard grafting we pile in with these three mustachiod men ,who could not of been more not from round our way ,anyhooo,it took about three seconds to realise they had no impact on the bowel of Colorado chronic we had packed so out it came and we passed it round,even being nice enough to offer our fellow travellers a taste of the rockies,we just sort of giggled at the stone faced response we got off them .So we near the top of the lift and we are all fully caponed now,one of these clowns goes.'' if we were back in Boston right now id throw you punks in cuffs,you are out of order''..without missing a beat a few of us said well fuck off back to Boston and well come meet you their and you can arrest us then.fair enough.the last minute of the ride passed in a happy haze for us ,yet i could see these pigs were fuming,like veins bulging etc.the minute we stepped out of the ganjola the guys scream out to the ski patrol,the police of the mountain ,as it were''these guys have been smoking pot the whole way up!!!!!''in such an injured tone ,i really did almost feel sorry for the guy..the ski patrol guy,looked at us,laughed and shrugged his shoulders,and that ,is why i loved steamboat.   have a good day everyone.really.

mark halliwell 2011

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

when i am king youll be first against the wall( for sash kee)

i cant believe their is so much shite surrounding this cover,man its not the original classic from like 15 years ago,but rivers and his cali cohorts obv. treat it with much revrance and sing it like weezer,to be honest and i love radiohead,i mean if you seriously love music you're gonna respect radiohead.Yet i think weezer rock the fuck out of it and i prefer this cover to the original.........nuff respect suckas

music and me

i like so many others cant hardly imagine a world without the sounds and wonderful lyrics of a artist to make life not only more enhanced,but sometimes it seems ...the only thing ,you catch a line,the feeling of a melody,is enough to make you make it thru the day..I started off so very young as a music lover,i moved from the uk to america in 78 and i remember having my sex pistols 45's with me and how when i made friends in america at sleep over their was lil mark,trying to squeeze in a play of 'anarchy in the uk@ in between the journey,the toto,the music that made other feel,just for me,it had to have energy,from their im embaressed to say i became a huge adam and the ants fan,i was so very into them and alot of my older BMX homies would allow me to play stand and deliver and ant musick in between their screaming for vengence and iron maiden albums,later id take pleasure from these same spandex wearing bands i thought were so shit,i must also say that the clash were absolutely crucial to my tastes forming as were the damned and other early british punk and theni discovered well first it was husker du,the ferocity and raw emotion displayed,id never heard guitars played that sounded like this,or lyrics about tolerance,freedom and being true to yourself,from their it was minor threat,whom i loved for all the reasons i loved husker du,man they fucking meant every word,every song played as if their life depended on it,i look back and laugh because at the same time i was listening to ratt and motley crue et al,just being a teenage boy i suppose ,although at party,after ac/dc's back in black and led zepplin had been played to death,id slip in the pistols or early black flag which most people their because i was a popular kreep in high school,not hanging with the smart arty types who i was,i was just a stupid football player who happened to love hardcore,umm music,but hell i liked porn to,what young man didnt,,,,hmm,i forgot were i was for a yes.all the california punk bands of the day ,circle jerks,fear,black flag,X..i loved and lived all this music as my friends would play along and let me play my songs,but really,it was only me getting off.
so that takes us thru high school ,i found metallicas album kill em all a mix of the energy of the hardcore of punk yet played at twice the speed with bleak lyrics about death and despair,suicide.the only other noteable band from that era was slayer who were just plain heavier,faster,more evil and more scary than any other band id known before.the album south of heaven was a masterpiece of the genre.and the it happened,well first i saw janes addiction play and was completely transfixed,from their it was nirvana ,mudhoney,soungarden then anything with the label sub pop on it,i bought because i knew what id get loud aggressive sounds,guitars that buzzed like lawn mowers and the same lyrics of alienation and unsatisfaction at were we were as a species and lone pain and empathy a la kurdt yea a became a label snob,any band on SST from lawndale ,ca...any band on twin tone ,from minneapolis.any band on matador ,from NYC...AND ON AND ON ..I FOUND SO MANY GREAT BANDS AND THROUGH THE HELL THAT BECAME MY FUTURE MUSIC HAS BONDED ME THRU TO FRIENDS AND LOVERS THRU SHARED SOUNDS,ITS HAPPENING STILL.woops sorry bout caps...and spelling...and the fact i find punctuation a pain in the ass,mark putting the punk back into punktuation,oh i know,im anyway the last decade produced wonderful sounds,bands songs,ill list a few,so you know were im coming power,the shins,the decemberists,boss hog,jenny lewis,modest mouse,pj harvey,band of horses,the hold steady!,the thermals(hi rosa baby)sleater-kinney,pavement,rilo kiley,sonic youth(still)LCD soundsystem,peaches,kasabian and on and on .plus before that and they have meant so much burt i forgot so RUN DMC,beasties,public enemy,NWA,ice cube,ice T ,to the greatest of em all biggie ,2 pac,jay Z, kanye,common,dizzee rascal and on and here is a tribute to music.all the days its helped us get thru .........and to represent,ill play sleater-kinney,i hope some of youll appreciate it and if not,i promise you there will be more to come.

mark halliwell 2011

pure ill.....skatekid rap

the suicide kid

so i was walking thru a misty,menacing place,overwhelmed by two things i remember as if they happened was everything was grey ,their was no color,no light,no hope of ,well anything was how i felt.the other is it was in a coridoor ,a long narrow room and i was freezing cold.I remember walking with my arms around me and the complete fear of dread this place evoked in me was unreal,id never,ever been so uneasy about anything in my life.Oh yea,it was not only cold,cold,cold,but damp,with water dripping from the roof and water in the air as i said before in the form of mist.i remember my only thoughts were the basic ones of why am i here?.were am i? and why oh why am i so fucking cold,as if my body were a block of ice.So now my skin crawls and i realise few of you will believe a word of this but i will tell my truths regardless.i proceeded down thru the hallway i noticed appearing from the mist,lined up on both sides people,because thats what you think 6 foot odd creatures standing on two feet are,correct?i walked onwards towards these people ,i dont know why ,i felt a compulsion to do so,when out of nowere i was grasped on the arm a hand gripped my forearm and i remember looking into its face and their was none it was faceless,featureless and icy cold,then i was grabbed by another and another,and i felt a terror that i could never convey in a million words.i awoke at six in the morning on the bathroom floor,id been in rehab for 6 weeks and used my first day out.Now if i were you ,no fucking way would i be having a word of this ,thats fine,it doesnt matter to me one iota,but i tell you, ive talked to two other people who had overdosed and revived and without me mentioning my story at all both of them mentioned the cold and the grey men.if nothing else its a strange place your brain last piece of this that really has little to do with what im telling you but none the less was a part of my experience was when i woke up on the floor,their had been a guy i brought home from rehab with me ,as he had nowere to stay he said alll night he was trying to give me mouth to mouth etc ,he said i turned blue,lips and palour.but when i awoke,he was trying to talk to me all i could hear was the loudest squelch in my ears,i was deaf to everything,i dove into bed,swore off dope,then proceeded to get a full and deadicated habit back within the week.

mark halliwell 2011

amphetamine reptiles mightiest ......COWS

SEXY PEE STORY INDEED intense artist.....(past life martyred saints)

turn on,tune in,drop in -with a b/s 360 mute air( steamboat tribute)

i would like to write this morning about the happiest time in my life,id been on vacation to colorado one time ,went to steamboat for a week ,i was actually so altitude sick that i was for most of the trip out of it.Anyway , i went home to minneapolis pulled the plug on my umm buisnes,ahem and took all my money and a few ounces of stcky green and moved my ass to colorado,i had no mind of a destination i knew only one person in denver who i was going to stay with for a week in denver,turned out he was the boulder and austin rapist and i swear on my life,one of those nights he stepped over my sleeping carcass ,woke me...looked at me and said he was just going upstairs to see a girl he knew,i was back to sleep in seconds.It was only yrs later when i read the police reports i put the time line together and he most def was out raping some innocent woman that night,it makes me sick.but this is supposed to be a story of joy,so onward ill go.after a week of barhopping and meetingsexy females as my friend the reper was a slick man who looked like brad pitt and me,well im not shy so we had fun,during the day id drive his motorcycle around denver and fell in love with that city were the sun shines so much and i later set up a loveshack with my girl ,that wasnt so great eitherBUT......
My rapist chum(and i swear hes almost out of this story) drove me to steamboat as he agreed it was a totally rad town and a perfect place for me to spend my time,we arrivedand went to a bar,i started talking to these guys and as id figured soon as id broke out my chronic,well they had invited me to come live with them for a while till i got hooked up.i accepted tossed them a bag of buds and life started in sept of that year,i secured a job with the mountainand so ,all in all things were going well.well i started my first year with the shittiest snowboard,the illest clothe i was a complete midwest boy,but my nsteamboat friends alot of them,well one of them a trust fund kid hooked me up with alot of things but a new snowsk8 and kooler duds etc.i worked up in the resteraunt up on the mountain and it was just a complete slack job,i was in back so i had my tunes and an exhaust fan so i was set and all the girls who knew id give em hits as they brought their trays was cool and then during the day id ride,everyt day snowboarding,only if it had snowed which it always di ,or it was sunny,which if it wasnt snowing ,it was warm and sunny,i remember days in colorado in jan. were id ride all day in a long sleeve tshirt.i met people from around the world,i met alot of cute girls,although it seems all we guys ever did was bitch about the local girls and steambutt,ha.but thats bullshit their was some beautiful girls up in them mountains and some of them ill never forget.i ended up moving into the emloyee housing block were their were one or two or four partys every single night,id have friends from minneapolis find me ,cause they heard my voice from the parking lot,right rydeen,my nukka?heavenly days sinful nights.i fell in love for the first timein steamboat,well the first time it had worked both ways,we moved in together and how wonderful it was to have sex before bed and have     sex in the morning to,although man,did we have some fights,shit.
but back to the riding my one winter ended up being four or five seasons,id return to minnesota most summers for exposure to kool bands insteads of hippi colorado bullshit but by oct .id be back at rabbit ears pass dropping into steamboat springs ele.6998?...a guess but fuck then the wait for the flakes to fall all the new faces,all the beers ,all the bong by the end i was such a decent snowboarder that the mn. kids when i went back home lind up to watch me jib off fences spin 360,s off to them big airs,but i was at best an average skater i just like to fuck around,jump over ropes were it felt like you were hung out in the air for minutes,and land in a soft 20 foot layer of colorados finest champagne powder...hey anyone thinking of dropping out of life,if you love the freedom of the mountains,if you got the guts,youll have the time of your life and meet people youll be tight with for life .this is for jasa jawn ,jamie,natty,heidie,rich,salzaar,its for everyone at xanadu andeverone at the wayhi house,its for the broken hearts and the widest smiles,its for the healthy glows and the wasted years.i tell you i would never change a thing,Steambroke you did me real well

mark halliwell 2011

Monday, 22 August 2011

dinosaur jr

such important,overlooked bands ,the peoples who know...fucking know,listen to that guitar howl in pain man ,total fucking godhead

more henry rollins

this mutherfucker is so honest and funny and deep and fuck ,i need him in my life today,thanks hank

rollins speaks the truth,ruth

pavement.rules ok.......on radio whatever

lets lighten things up.....pavement(the sutcliffe catering song)

have i mentioned that pavement are in my humble opinion the greatest,most talented bunch of pranksters,the great rock and roll swindle indeed.........

saint jack

2 cattle rustlers for shannon 1969-2001

After pages and pages of self involved shit.poor me,bad her,fuck the world,lonely boy thoughts turn to my partner in crime shannon.We were the butch cassidy and sundance kid of minneapolis grocery stores,rising early with the sun to beat the sickness that was mos def in the mailand get a jump on them corporate cattle sellers.fillet minion 12.99 lb etc.Byerlys,Lunds,Cub Foods you treated us real well.I took shannon under my wing ,my crooked wing and showed that greenhorn how to be an urban cattle rustler like mw.He was an eager understudy,learning quickly how to reposess the finest cuts.From there it was straight to the working class bars of notheast minneapolis were the drinkers were waiting for the 'steak guys'.....1/2 price on the label ,you know the script,id bag into 200 ,30 40 dollar bags and wed beat it before the owner even noticed wed been in.Most of you would call me a scumbag,fair enough,looking back ,im sure not proud,but this was written when i was a full on user,so my thinking was a bit diffrent.back to our heros,wonder what their doing?yea,scumbag...i probably am but im also quick and fearless and smart enough to hit em again and again and again with profits so deep ,youd think i was lying or making it up or hate me more...fuck if i wasnt broke every single morning though,shit.The thing is shannnon and me were tru blu ,full fledged dope addicts and the choice of withdrawals or a little shopping,as we called it,hell,that was no choice at all.i'll keep our technique a secret cause thats how it is .shannon bro i regret driving you so hard,getting so pissy when you sold a bag for five dollars short,id jump all over him saying''there ARE  no price breaks dig?'' the whole deal is the break ,fuck!
so,we'd hit the lick go over south and score some lethal chicago dope,the gangs from chicago came to minneapolis and doubled their we scored,pulled over like two lil kids opening xmas presents ,giggling like a couple little girls!-procurement complete ,cause when i put a spike into my vain ,i tell you things aint quite the same,closing in on death ,and you just know,heaven or hell or nothing is so close,you can feel its breath on your neck.i remember one day getting a hit that brought us so very close to the edge of the abyss and we loved it''fuck,thats the only way i wanna feel man''says i''man if i dont wake up in an oblong box,it was not quite enough''shannon
full of junk fuelled confidence we ran and stole and fucked anyone over who we could and also did 1001 thing i wont tell you because im ashamed,tell me thats not fucked up.All i ever had or cared about is gone,all my friends give a fuck about a junky.Im tired ,im disgusted,my spirits gone,my soul is dead,my heart beats black,my brain is life is death.My tamara is gone and the fact that i cant get to grips with ,shannons dead man..hes dead,had a funeral,was creamated and his ma flew him to hawaii and threw him into pela the goddess of sons,all before i knew you were gone,today may 22nd,2001.My iron bride still controls me and says shell always be their for me to bring me solace and peace in a unfair when my friend dies in his 20' when the girl i loved with every sweet and sympathetic soul in my body tells me she cant stand me any more...what the fuck am i supposed to do,i only know of one reaction to it all.die a little myself and im content in my room.some of you think im just bad,me and shannon and our ilk gave a fuck what you think
you yuppie_you bastard
your ciggi_your drink
i know this you can keep all your bullshit,all the fake things-lovers lie,they always do,to smash your soul to bits,friends dont care and why should they as i care even less myself...i know these for now i.ll put on my strange wings-and do my bad things.

this was written along time ago i have had my heart broke so very recently and feel the need to grow now,my tendecy to wanna escape,to just cease to be ,they follow me,im lucky i came thru the middle of the valley of death and left a lot of my friends their....just for today im clean,i aint no 12 stepping sucker either.i just got old and wanted to try to live instead of trying to shannon ,i miss you my friend. and new york and tex and jen and franni and that kid in rehab from boston.and paul.

mark halliwell 2011
born to die,thats what some say.
born to lose,born to suffer.fuck,have it your way.
im just a boy whose so easy to please,so pass me the spoon
and fuck what you're saying you poo butt buffoon.
i need some death inside me to extinguish my doom.
please fuck off and leave me
with spike ,death and spoon.

barely written in 2000

mark halliwell 2011

the wierd and wonderful world of cocoi rosie

these two beautiful women,yea i know they got beards,well i dont mind.they are americans raised and living in paris ,this explains alot,now lets go on a mystical journey with these two sisters.