Wednesday, 24 August 2011

i think the riots we have seen springing up all over this country lately are just the tip of the iceburg,as more and more people lose jobs and rely on meagre govnt handouts or turning to the black market for their incomes.Never in my life have i felt that the whole world is sick of being controled by the same rich white men who have always ran everything.these people live their lives in guilded places without an idea of what the rest of the country goes through.the problem comes when you think of what were to happen if a revolution ever did take place,the same people who took charge would become intoxicated with the same power and greed that the previous powerful people had and the circle would continue.
what we need is a whole lot more evolution and i believe that this is happening their are more and more people realising that our western way of life,it isnt morale ,it isnt compassionate and its greedcentric.
back to my thoughts on evolution,if we evolved from ape to cro magnum man,from him to neandrathal man and from him to homosapien ,it doesnt stop their the evolution continues,there are more and more people who want to live kinder,better,more spiritual lives.....not sure of their place in this world and wanting very much to change things for the better.the world since 9/11 has turned into an international police state all set up to stop an idea,as al queda is loosely a group,its just an idea and we have crushed our liberties,accepted despicable acts on our behalf inthe name of this i really dont have any ideas for a solution ,i can barely put together a paragragh that makes sense and yet i hope that there will be a jump forward with human kind,evolving us to much more spiritual beings than we are now

(2011)mark halliwell 2011

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